ดาวหาง Elenin / Nibiru (planet X) - Elenin - Events

ในห้อง 'ภัยพิบัติและการเตรียมการ' ตั้งกระทู้โดย Falkman, 28 กุมภาพันธ์ 2011.

  1. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Comet Elenin and the Pole Shift Theory; 3/15/2011 and Beyond

    The internet is all abuzz about a possible pole shift on or around March 15, 2011—the Ides of March. As the story goes it all started with a caller to the Alex Jones show stating that he had some inside info that there is going to be a pole shift on 3/15/2011. The caller was quickly dismissed and never mentioned after that and the call was deleted from the audio file--which sent the rumors flying. Now this could all be one big hoax or publicity gimmick but here is a recount of the story.

    OK word for word from my husbands memory after the commercial break Alex Jones took calls the first call was about the dollar collapse the second call was from a caller named Chad from Washington (husband thinks bogus name) Chad starts off by saying I’m glad I got through I am calling you from the white house about something that needs to get out to the public (Alex says: your calling from the white house?) Chad: yes and what I have to say is very important myself and another member of this administration received a tip about a possible pole shift occurrence around mid march on or following the fifteenth I know leaking this information will inevitably be traced back to me but I plan to get my family and go to a safe location there is already a well thought out cover story Source: alex jones fan begs alex to come clean about caller from white house leaking pole shift, page 84

    There are also a couple of YouTube videos circulating around with various pieces of information regarding this incident and the possible pole shift that have been fueling the fire. And adding to the hype; it was reported that one individual who put up you tube video about the Alex Jones cover-up and this comet was arrested in the middle of the night and his videos were taken down.
    Below is one of videos about the comet pole shift theory.

    So from what I have gathered the theory is that comet Elenin was in alignment with the earth and sun on Feb 27, 2010 and that it caused a 3 degree pole shift and the 8.8 quake in Chile. The theory also states that the comet will again be in alignment with the earth on or about March 15, 2011 and that it will again cause problems for the earth, but because it is closer the effects will be worse than the first one.

    Let’s see if we can make some sense of all this. First let’s take a look at the data for ourselves. I went to the NASA Near Earth Object Program Orbit Diagrams and entered c/2010 x1 in the query box. I then moved the date back to 2/27/2010. As you can see below the comet was in alignment with the earth and sun on that date and its distance from the earth was 6.047 AU.

    [​IMG]Photo source for all such diagrams: JPL.NASA

    Here is the earthquake data from the USGS for the dates around 2/27/2010 for all quakes over 6. As you can see there were 14 quakes around that time with 12 on the 27th itself.

    PDE-W 2010 02 26 203126.97 25.93 128.43 25 7.0 MwUCMT 5FM .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 063411.53 -36.12 -72.90 22 8.8 MwUCMT 9CM UTS....
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 065117.65 -31.66 -69.14 39 6.0 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 065234.02 -34.87 -72.61 35 6.2 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 071228.45 -33.88 -71.94 35 6.0 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 073717.96 -36.87 -72.67 35 6.0 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 080123.01 -37.77 -75.05 35 6.9 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 082529.62 -34.75 -72.43 35 6.1 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 103036.40 -33.28 -71.96 35 6.0 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 154537 -24.87 -65.60 10 6.3 mbGS 5C. .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 172430.59 -36.35 -73.21 19 6.1 MwGS ..M .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 190006.86 -33.42 -71.83 31 6.3 MwGCMT 7FM .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 231234.91 -34.70 -71.83 35 6.0 mbGS .F. .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 28 112535.92 -34.90 -71.62 46 6.2 MwGS 6FM .......

    I then moved the program ahead and the next alignment happened on 9/3/2010 but the sun was between the earth and the comet and a little farther away at 6.269. So we would not expect to see as much, if any of a disturbance to the earth.


    Here is the earthquake data for the days around 9/3/2010—4 quakes with 2 on the 3rd.

    PDE-W 2010 09 03 111606.60 51.45 -175.87 23 6.5 MwGCMT .FM .......
    PDE-W 2010 09 03 163547.77 -43.52 171.83 12 7.0 MwUCMT 9CM F.....M
    PDE-W 2010 09 04 085204.10 -17.37 -174.00 69 6.1 MwGS 2FM .......
    PDE-W 2010 09 07 161332.22 -15.88 -179.31 10 6.3 MwUCMT 4FM .......

    That is the data; so we have a lot of earthquake activity around both alignments. Is this more than normal? The USGS lists 173 quakes over magnitude 6 in 2010 so that averages out to about one every two days. So for the 2/27/2010 alignment there were 14 quakes in 3 days—way above average. For the 9/3/2010 date there were 4 quakes in 5 days, which is slightly above average.

    Did the earth shift 3 degrees as claimed? I do not know, but if it did it might explain a lot of strange goings on; like the sun rising two days early in Greenland. Or the strange weather patterns we have been seeing all over the earth, or the Florida airport having to renumber their runway by 10 degrees because of the change in magnetic north.

    So is the theory correct? Will this comet cause a devastating pole shift? Some may dismiss this whole notion as nonsense, but historical and scientific records indicate that there have been pole shifts in the past. And let’s not forget about the normalcy bias—just because something has not happened in a long time does not mean it cannot happen again. So what are we to make of this theory that comet Elenin will cause a pole shift? I see three possible answers.

    1. This is nothing more than fear mongering and they may want to hype people up about this so that many expect it and then nothing happens and so the next time a credible threat exists people will just dismiss it. Remember Y2K?

    2. The above average earthquakes on the alignment days and possible 3 degree pole shift were caused by HAARP or scalar means and they are using the comet as a cover for their actions. Their purpose in this would be to bring death and destruction upon the world and throw it into chaos with the ultimate goal of taking over the world.

    3. Comet Elenin caused the earthquakes and a 3 degree pole shift and will cause future problems and they are trying to cover this up.

    Those are the possibilities as I see them. Could it be #3, could a comet cause earthquakes and pole shifts? If you consider comets to be dirty snowballs and only think of their gravitational effect, then no. But there are other aspects to consider in our “electric” universe as told by James Mc Canney. His website can be found at this link jmccanneyscience.com : Home Page

    My work was in theoretical celestial mechanics and plasma physics. (For the layman, these are the studies of planetary motion and electrified gases in outer space.) Initial papers were published in astrophysics journals, while later papers were quietly returned without referee comments. The work showed, among other things, that comets were not dirty snowballs sublimating (vaporizing) in the solar environment, but were a complex plasma discharge interaction involving an asteroidal comet nucleus with the “solar capacitor”—the capacitor being the result of a differential flow in the solar wind of high energy particles leaving the Sun.
    The balance of charge in the solar system, and a myriad of other previously unknown effects, were predicted by the theory, including the existence of an electron sheet arriving from the Sun at a cometary nucleus and resulting x-rays. Only recently have these been verified by observation.

    The new comet theory also explained that the tail matter was not moving away from the comet nucleus, but was being drawn in by electrical forces millions of times more powerful than gravity or solar wind forces alone.

    Essentially a comet was now seen as a huge “cosmic vacuum cleaner”. Comets were being captured into the solar system by the existing planets, and the comet “tail drag” helped to circularize their orbits. Many commonly stated beliefs regarding the nature of the solar system were being dispelled with more subtle explanations.

    Source: Our Busy Solar System - Plasma Discharge Comet Model

    So he believes comets are “a complex plasma discharge interaction involving an asteroidal comet nucleus with the “solar capacitor”—the capacitor being the result of a differential flow in the solar wind of high energy particles leaving the Sun,” or in other words comets have electrical characteristics. What does he believe in regards to how a comet can affect us electrically? Here is what he has to say about this in his booklet Surviving Planet X Passage.

    Defining The Problems
    Communication will be a huge problem. In fact, the infrastructure of all the facilities provided by utilities and services that we depend on daily will eventually not be there at all…

    The Earth Changes
    It will not be enough to simply store some goods and food, as an entire change in lifestyle will be required to survive for the long term. Most people today are totally unprepared mentally and physically to make such a dramatic change in lifestyle…

    Earth changes include the following:
    • Electrical effects between the huge comet (with Planet X as its nucleus) and Sun will increase severe weather, and very unstable weather patterns will result. Earth itself will develop extended electrical interactions with the Sun, and violent storms, with both excessive lightning, wind, and water (much of the water coming in from outer space) will last for days and even weeks at a time. These will occur in some cases months or even years before the passage.

    • Secondary effects will be the degradation or complete elimination of infrastructures to the point that public utilities and local governments will be totally unable to cope with the repairs. Cyclones will come in large groups and decimate cities and towns, leaving those with standard housing with nothing. Torrential rains will weaken roadbeds, and mudslides will be common. Rivers will flood and mobility will come to a standstill…

    • The public will now also begin to see large electrical discharges streaming between the planets and their moons and between the planets. Jupiter especially, with its large electrical interaction with the Sun, will seem to be throwing lightning bolts across the sky. The huge comet will likewise begin to discharge electrically to the other planets and a huge trumpet-like call will ring through Earth’s atmosphere as the searing electrical discharges interact with the upper atmosphere. Colorful auroras will light up even the daytime sky with finger-like dancing lights as the electrical discharges continually interact with the ionosphere…

    Sharp whistling noises will be as music choreographed with the electrical light show in the heavens. The comet itself will appear as many colors, but through its middle will be an intense blue or purple neon-like light that will be visible in even the daytime sky…

    As Earth’s magnetic field reverses more frequently, large sprays of high-energy atomic particles will pummel Earth’s upper atmosphere, causing severe levels of radiation that would cause cancer in large numbers of survivors unless they were properly sheltered….

    If the comet’s orbital path brings it so that Earth passes through its tail, the interactions will increase and we would see severe flooding and immense hurricanes with associated tornadoes and cyclones on both land and sea. The influx of hundreds of other chemicals would also occur. The Sun would be blotted-out for days or even weeks as the huge comet passed by and Earth’s temperature would fall rapidly. Heavy rain would turn into snow and cover numerous parts of the globe, forming glaciers. Animals would be quick-frozen into these glaciers and would be perfectly preserved for thousands of years to come.

    Our Moon would likewise flood and experience the same effects, although it does not have an atmosphere like Earth. There could be the possibility of meteor streams coming into Earth’s atmosphere and seeming like a rain of stars from the heavens. Mixed with the influx of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere, this would be the “fire and brimstone” spoken of by the Ancients.

    The severity of all of these possible effects would depend on how close the comet came to Earth, and there is no way to predict exactly what effects will occur.

    This is just a list of possible direct effects.
    Source: Surviving Planet X Passage by James McCanney

    Wow! So if James Mc Canney is correct it looks like comets can affect the Earth directly and indirectly via interactions with the Sun. And as noted above he thinks that the infamous Planet X is a comet--with the planet at its nucleus--and believes it will cause the effects listed above. Also James McCanney just made this statement on the George Noory show on Feb 16, 2011 “…Planet X is coming into the solar system (and will appear like a comet initially). (Note: as far as I know he was not specifically referring to comet Elenin.)

    Is Comet Elenin the famed Planet X or Nibiru as some call it, or just another comet? Will it cause pole shifts, earthquakes and other severe Earth changes? At this point I do not know. Let’s assume for sake of argument that the theory about Elenin is correct and extrapolate some of the data to see what we can conclude.

    As already noted the next time the comet aligns with earth is 3/15/2011 and it will be at a distance of 2.099 as depicted below.


    So if their theory is correct and the comet caused the 8.8 quake in Chile and moved the earth 3 degrees when it was at a distance of 6.047 and it caused a proportional response to the earth on 3/15/2011 when its distance is 2.099 what might we expect to see? The effect would be 2.88 (6.047/2.099) times greater. Thus if the first one caused a 3 degree shift then the March 15 alignment could cause a 3 x 2.88 = 8.6 degree shift and an earthquake 2.88 times greater would be 8.8 + log 2.88 = 9.25 on the Richter scale. If the effect will be proportional to the square of the distance it would have about an 8.3 times greater effect, yielding a 25 degree shift and a 9.7 quake.

    The next alignment will be on 9/26/2011 at a distance of .392. At this alignment the comet will be between the sun and the earth. Assuming a proportional effect as noted above would yield an influence of 6.047/.392 = 15.4 times greater. Causing a 3 x 15.4 = 46.2 degree shift and an earthquake 15.4 times greater would be 8.8 + log 15.4 = 10 on the Richter scale. If the effect will be proportional to the square of the distance it would have about a 240 times greater effect. If either of these were to occur I believe there would be catastrophic Earth changes.


    The comet is predicted to be the closest to Earth on 10/16/2011 at a distance of .24—the middle of the feast of Tabernacles.


    Based on what J.M. Canney has written we should also look out for dates when the Earth crosses the comet’s tail or debris field. The Earth could possibly cross the comet’s debris trail about Nov 6, 2011.


    It would then align with the sun and Earth again shortly thereafter on Nov 22, 2011 at a distance of .586. and depending on the length of the tail could cross it then. Interesting date: 11/22/2011—1122211 or 11/22/11.


    The earth could then again possibly go through the comet’s debris trail on April 21, 2012.


    It would align with the earth and sun again on Dec 25, 2012 at a distance of 5.242—pretty close to the infamous 12/21/2012.


    In summary according to the latest data;

    3/15/2011 alignment—sun earth comet (2.099)
    9/26/2011 alignment—sun comet earth (.392)
    10/16/2011 closest (.24)
    11/6/2011 possible debris field interaction
    11/22/2011 alignment—sun earth comet (.586) possible tail interaction
    4/21/2012 possible debris field interaction
    12/25/2012 alignment—sun earth comet (5.242)

    Here are a few more tidbits about comet ELENIN—interesting name ELEven NINe 11 9. Comet Elenin was discovered by Leonid Elenin, whose name means, Lion"! And is in Leo (the lion) at Tabernacles, and could create a meteor shower just before the annual Leonid ("lion") meteor shower. Clearly, God is saying that this comet symbolizes the coming of the Lion of Judah! But this is just another token sign -- keep that in mind! It does not mean that Jesus will return at this time!!! Bible and Egypt President Removed

    Photo source: พลังจิต เว็บ พระพุทธศาสนา ธรรมะ พระไตรปิฎก ลึกลับ อภิญญา วิทยาศาสตร์ทางจิต Buddhism Buddhist

    So that is the theory and extrapolation of the data. If the comet theory is correct then the all the dates above would bear watching with the 9/26/2011 to 4/21/2012 dates being the most threatening. What might we expect if the theory about the comet is true? Earthquakes, pole shifts, tsunamis, disappearing and rising lands, sea level rise, long winters/summers, super storms, crop failures, massive flooding, fires, the appearance of two suns, communication disruptions, infrastructure collapse, strange atmospheric phenomena, solar flares and EMPs. So in other words it would be devastating; unless of course the little green demon men arrived to save the planet.

    Also as I mentioned earlier the historical scientific records indicate that there have been pole shifts in the past. I believe one occurred when Jesus died on the cross—and life went on; for some of us it was the beginning of life. But life on earth in the past was much different than now. They lived without electricity, cars, modern buildings, plumbing, internet, etc. So if a severe pole shift occurred now it could destroy much of our modern infrastructure—which for many would be devastating.

    Are there any end times Bible prophecies regarding an event like this? We know that the world will go through very trying and troublous times leading up to the return of the Lord and the rapture and there will be signs in the heavens.

    And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26. Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Luke 21:25-27.

    Could this comet and its hypothetical effect on the sun and earth be what these verses are referring to? Note: I do not think that Elenin is the comet of the third trumpet judgment that will hit the earth in the future. It is too early for that; it takes place after the antichrist arises and Christians are raptured. I feel the third Trumpet judgment will either be another comet or a leftover piece of this one.

    Is this planet X or just some new ordinary comet? Is all this hype about a comet just fear mongering or is it a cover for actions of satan and his minions against humanity, or is there really a serious threat coming and they are trying to cover it up?

    Those are interesting questions to ponder. Are there any other indications that this may be a serious threat? Is it possible this is why we are hearing about all the government preps in buying large amounts of food, or insiders telling us to buy 6 months worth of food, or the governments preparing underground facilities, or the rumors of martial law and detention camps, or the military being prepped for civilian use, or the wealthy preparing survival arks, etc.? Is this why there are rumors about Facebook shutting down on March 15--so the date is obscured in search engines? I do not know the answers to those questions but it makes you wonder.

    I guess March 15, 2011 will tell us a lot; if we see an above 9 earthquake around that time, and a small pole shift then that may indicate that the theory is true. Another tell-tale sign will be if we start to see interactions between other planets and the comet and or sun. Let me mention that its orbit at this time has eccentricity above 1 which indicates a hyperbolic orbit inferring that it is not planet X. But if new calculations would show the eccentricity to be less than one, indicating an elliptical orbit it could be a Planet X candidate. Also keep an eye on the powers to be to see if they start making themselves scarce at crucial times.

    In conclusion I do not know if this comet will cause a pole shift and devastating Earth changes. However I do believe that it is not outside the realm of the possible. I also realize that all this hype may just be fear mongering or a cover for sinister actions against mankind.

    So what am I going to do about the whole matter? Pray, seek God, ask Him to lead guide and direct me and I am not worrying about it. I am also going to watch carefully for any developments along these lines especially around the March 15, 2011 date.

    Should you have preparations in case this threat is real? You should have preparations whether this is going to happen or not because there are many things looming on the horizon—namely seals 1-5. As time goes by and if we see more evidence that the theory about the comet is true then more drastic preparations may be warranted—like getting away from coastal regions, fault lines, and big cities.

    So what do you think of this whole matter; Is it #1 Fear mongering so when nothing happens and a real threat comes people will then dismiss it. #2 A cover for evil actions against humanity or #3 An “Earth changing” comet that they are trying to cover up?

    This information may be freely distributed or reproduced with hyperlink to this page. This article has been posted at The End Times Forecaster blog, and also in pdf format for download and distribution at The Coming Epiphany articles page, and at Scribd. I have also emailed this info to various prominent individuals and have added it to my “5 Smooth Stones” packet.

    The story continues PART 2 and PART 3

    Are you ready for the end times? Download The Coming Epiphany today for FREE at thecomingepiphany.com
  2. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Comet Elenin and the Pole Shift Theory; 3/15/2011 and Beyond

    The internet is all abuzz about a possible pole shift on or around March 15, 2011—the Ides of March. As the story goes it all started with a caller to the Alex Jones show stating that he had some inside info that there is going to be a pole shift on 3/15/2011. The caller was quickly dismissed and never mentioned after that and the call was deleted from the audio file--which sent the rumors flying. Now this could all be one big hoax or publicity gimmick but here is a recount of the story.

    OK word for word from my husbands memory after the commercial break Alex Jones took calls the first call was about the dollar collapse the second call was from a caller named Chad from Washington (husband thinks bogus name) Chad starts off by saying I’m glad I got through I am calling you from the white house about something that needs to get out to the public (Alex says: your calling from the white house?) Chad: yes and what I have to say is very important myself and another member of this administration received a tip about a possible pole shift occurrence around mid march on or following the fifteenth I know leaking this information will inevitably be traced back to me but I plan to get my family and go to a safe location there is already a well thought out cover story Source: alex jones fan begs alex to come clean about caller from white house leaking pole shift, page 84

    There are also a couple of YouTube videos circulating around with various pieces of information regarding this incident and the possible pole shift that have been fueling the fire. And adding to the hype; it was reported that one individual who put up you tube video about the Alex Jones cover-up and this comet was arrested in the middle of the night and his videos were taken down.
    Below is one of videos about the comet pole shift theory.

    So from what I have gathered the theory is that comet Elenin was in alignment with the earth and sun on Feb 27, 2010 and that it caused a 3 degree pole shift and the 8.8 quake in Chile. The theory also states that the comet will again be in alignment with the earth on or about March 15, 2011 and that it will again cause problems for the earth, but because it is closer the effects will be worse than the first one.

    Let’s see if we can make some sense of all this. First let’s take a look at the data for ourselves. I went to the NASA Near Earth Object Program Orbit Diagrams and entered c/2010 x1 in the query box. I then moved the date back to 2/27/2010. As you can see below the comet was in alignment with the earth and sun on that date and its distance from the earth was 6.047 AU.

    [​IMG]Photo source for all such diagrams: JPL.NASA

    Here is the earthquake data from the USGS for the dates around 2/27/2010 for all quakes over 6. As you can see there were 14 quakes around that time with 12 on the 27th itself.

    PDE-W 2010 02 26 203126.97 25.93 128.43 25 7.0 MwUCMT 5FM .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 063411.53 -36.12 -72.90 22 8.8 MwUCMT 9CM UTS....
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 065117.65 -31.66 -69.14 39 6.0 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 065234.02 -34.87 -72.61 35 6.2 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 071228.45 -33.88 -71.94 35 6.0 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 073717.96 -36.87 -72.67 35 6.0 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 080123.01 -37.77 -75.05 35 6.9 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 082529.62 -34.75 -72.43 35 6.1 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 103036.40 -33.28 -71.96 35 6.0 mbGS ... .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 154537 -24.87 -65.60 10 6.3 mbGS 5C. .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 172430.59 -36.35 -73.21 19 6.1 MwGS ..M .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 190006.86 -33.42 -71.83 31 6.3 MwGCMT 7FM .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 27 231234.91 -34.70 -71.83 35 6.0 mbGS .F. .......
    PDE-W 2010 02 28 112535.92 -34.90 -71.62 46 6.2 MwGS 6FM .......

    I then moved the program ahead and the next alignment happened on 9/3/2010 but the sun was between the earth and the comet and a little farther away at 6.269. So we would not expect to see as much, if any of a disturbance to the earth.


    Here is the earthquake data for the days around 9/3/2010—4 quakes with 2 on the 3rd.

    PDE-W 2010 09 03 111606.60 51.45 -175.87 23 6.5 MwGCMT .FM .......
    PDE-W 2010 09 03 163547.77 -43.52 171.83 12 7.0 MwUCMT 9CM F.....M
    PDE-W 2010 09 04 085204.10 -17.37 -174.00 69 6.1 MwGS 2FM .......
    PDE-W 2010 09 07 161332.22 -15.88 -179.31 10 6.3 MwUCMT 4FM .......

    That is the data; so we have a lot of earthquake activity around both alignments. Is this more than normal? The USGS lists 173 quakes over magnitude 6 in 2010 so that averages out to about one every two days. So for the 2/27/2010 alignment there were 14 quakes in 3 days—way above average. For the 9/3/2010 date there were 4 quakes in 5 days, which is slightly above average.

    Did the earth shift 3 degrees as claimed? I do not know, but if it did it might explain a lot of strange goings on; like the sun rising two days early in Greenland. Or the strange weather patterns we have been seeing all over the earth, or the Florida airport having to renumber their runway by 10 degrees because of the change in magnetic north.

    So is the theory correct? Will this comet cause a devastating pole shift? Some may dismiss this whole notion as nonsense, but historical and scientific records indicate that there have been pole shifts in the past. And let’s not forget about the normalcy bias—just because something has not happened in a long time does not mean it cannot happen again. So what are we to make of this theory that comet Elenin will cause a pole shift? I see three possible answers.

    1. This is nothing more than fear mongering and they may want to hype people up about this so that many expect it and then nothing happens and so the next time a credible threat exists people will just dismiss it. Remember Y2K?

    2. The above average earthquakes on the alignment days and possible 3 degree pole shift were caused by HAARP or scalar means and they are using the comet as a cover for their actions. Their purpose in this would be to bring death and destruction upon the world and throw it into chaos with the ultimate goal of taking over the world.

    3. Comet Elenin caused the earthquakes and a 3 degree pole shift and will cause future problems and they are trying to cover this up.

    Those are the possibilities as I see them. Could it be #3, could a comet cause earthquakes and pole shifts? If you consider comets to be dirty snowballs and only think of their gravitational effect, then no. But there are other aspects to consider in our “electric” universe as told by James Mc Canney. His website can be found at this link jmccanneyscience.com : Home Page

    My work was in theoretical celestial mechanics and plasma physics. (For the layman, these are the studies of planetary motion and electrified gases in outer space.) Initial papers were published in astrophysics journals, while later papers were quietly returned without referee comments. The work showed, among other things, that comets were not dirty snowballs sublimating (vaporizing) in the solar environment, but were a complex plasma discharge interaction involving an asteroidal comet nucleus with the “solar capacitor”—the capacitor being the result of a differential flow in the solar wind of high energy particles leaving the Sun.
    The balance of charge in the solar system, and a myriad of other previously unknown effects, were predicted by the theory, including the existence of an electron sheet arriving from the Sun at a cometary nucleus and resulting x-rays. Only recently have these been verified by observation.

    The new comet theory also explained that the tail matter was not moving away from the comet nucleus, but was being drawn in by electrical forces millions of times more powerful than gravity or solar wind forces alone.

    Essentially a comet was now seen as a huge “cosmic vacuum cleaner”. Comets were being captured into the solar system by the existing planets, and the comet “tail drag” helped to circularize their orbits. Many commonly stated beliefs regarding the nature of the solar system were being dispelled with more subtle explanations.

    Source: Our Busy Solar System - Plasma Discharge Comet Model

    So he believes comets are “a complex plasma discharge interaction involving an asteroidal comet nucleus with the “solar capacitor”—the capacitor being the result of a differential flow in the solar wind of high energy particles leaving the Sun,” or in other words comets have electrical characteristics. What does he believe in regards to how a comet can affect us electrically? Here is what he has to say about this in his booklet Surviving Planet X Passage.

    Defining The Problems
    Communication will be a huge problem. In fact, the infrastructure of all the facilities provided by utilities and services that we depend on daily will eventually not be there at all…

    The Earth Changes
    It will not be enough to simply store some goods and food, as an entire change in lifestyle will be required to survive for the long term. Most people today are totally unprepared mentally and physically to make such a dramatic change in lifestyle…

    Earth changes include the following:
    • Electrical effects between the huge comet (with Planet X as its nucleus) and Sun will increase severe weather, and very unstable weather patterns will result. Earth itself will develop extended electrical interactions with the Sun, and violent storms, with both excessive lightning, wind, and water (much of the water coming in from outer space) will last for days and even weeks at a time. These will occur in some cases months or even years before the passage.

    • Secondary effects will be the degradation or complete elimination of infrastructures to the point that public utilities and local governments will be totally unable to cope with the repairs. Cyclones will come in large groups and decimate cities and towns, leaving those with standard housing with nothing. Torrential rains will weaken roadbeds, and mudslides will be common. Rivers will flood and mobility will come to a standstill…

    • The public will now also begin to see large electrical discharges streaming between the planets and their moons and between the planets. Jupiter especially, with its large electrical interaction with the Sun, will seem to be throwing lightning bolts across the sky. The huge comet will likewise begin to discharge electrically to the other planets and a huge trumpet-like call will ring through Earth’s atmosphere as the searing electrical discharges interact with the upper atmosphere. Colorful auroras will light up even the daytime sky with finger-like dancing lights as the electrical discharges continually interact with the ionosphere…

    Sharp whistling noises will be as music choreographed with the electrical light show in the heavens. The comet itself will appear as many colors, but through its middle will be an intense blue or purple neon-like light that will be visible in even the daytime sky…

    As Earth’s magnetic field reverses more frequently, large sprays of high-energy atomic particles will pummel Earth’s upper atmosphere, causing severe levels of radiation that would cause cancer in large numbers of survivors unless they were properly sheltered….

    If the comet’s orbital path brings it so that Earth passes through its tail, the interactions will increase and we would see severe flooding and immense hurricanes with associated tornadoes and cyclones on both land and sea. The influx of hundreds of other chemicals would also occur. The Sun would be blotted-out for days or even weeks as the huge comet passed by and Earth’s temperature would fall rapidly. Heavy rain would turn into snow and cover numerous parts of the globe, forming glaciers. Animals would be quick-frozen into these glaciers and would be perfectly preserved for thousands of years to come.

    Our Moon would likewise flood and experience the same effects, although it does not have an atmosphere like Earth. There could be the possibility of meteor streams coming into Earth’s atmosphere and seeming like a rain of stars from the heavens. Mixed with the influx of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere, this would be the “fire and brimstone” spoken of by the Ancients.

    The severity of all of these possible effects would depend on how close the comet came to Earth, and there is no way to predict exactly what effects will occur.

    This is just a list of possible direct effects.
    Source: Surviving Planet X Passage by James McCanney

    Wow! So if James Mc Canney is correct it looks like comets can affect the Earth directly and indirectly via interactions with the Sun. And as noted above he thinks that the infamous Planet X is a comet--with the planet at its nucleus--and believes it will cause the effects listed above. Also James McCanney just made this statement on the George Noory show on Feb 16, 2011 “…Planet X is coming into the solar system (and will appear like a comet initially). (Note: as far as I know he was not specifically referring to comet Elenin.)

    Is Comet Elenin the famed Planet X or Nibiru as some call it, or just another comet? Will it cause pole shifts, earthquakes and other severe Earth changes? At this point I do not know. Let’s assume for sake of argument that the theory about Elenin is correct and extrapolate some of the data to see what we can conclude.

    As already noted the next time the comet aligns with earth is 3/15/2011 and it will be at a distance of 2.099 as depicted below.


    So if their theory is correct and the comet caused the 8.8 quake in Chile and moved the earth 3 degrees when it was at a distance of 6.047 and it caused a proportional response to the earth on 3/15/2011 when its distance is 2.099 what might we expect to see? The effect would be 2.88 (6.047/2.099) times greater. Thus if the first one caused a 3 degree shift then the March 15 alignment could cause a 3 x 2.88 = 8.6 degree shift and an earthquake 2.88 times greater would be 8.8 + log 2.88 = 9.25 on the Richter scale. If the effect will be proportional to the square of the distance it would have about an 8.3 times greater effect, yielding a 25 degree shift and a 9.7 quake.

    The next alignment will be on 9/26/2011 at a distance of .392. At this alignment the comet will be between the sun and the earth. Assuming a proportional effect as noted above would yield an influence of 6.047/.392 = 15.4 times greater. Causing a 3 x 15.4 = 46.2 degree shift and an earthquake 15.4 times greater would be 8.8 + log 15.4 = 10 on the Richter scale. If the effect will be proportional to the square of the distance it would have about a 240 times greater effect. If either of these were to occur I believe there would be catastrophic Earth changes.


    The comet is predicted to be the closest to Earth on 10/16/2011 at a distance of .24—the middle of the feast of Tabernacles.


    Based on what J.M. Canney has written we should also look out for dates when the Earth crosses the comet’s tail or debris field. The Earth could possibly cross the comet’s debris trail about Nov 6, 2011.


    It would then align with the sun and Earth again shortly thereafter on Nov 22, 2011 at a distance of .586. and depending on the length of the tail could cross it then. Interesting date: 11/22/2011—1122211 or 11/22/11.


    The earth could then again possibly go through the comet’s debris trail on April 21, 2012.


    It would align with the earth and sun again on Dec 25, 2012 at a distance of 5.242—pretty close to the infamous 12/21/2012.


    In summary according to the latest data;

    3/15/2011 alignment—sun earth comet (2.099)
    9/26/2011 alignment—sun comet earth (.392)
    10/16/2011 closest (.24)
    11/6/2011 possible debris field interaction
    11/22/2011 alignment—sun earth comet (.586) possible tail interaction
    4/21/2012 possible debris field interaction
    12/25/2012 alignment—sun earth comet (5.242)

    Here are a few more tidbits about comet ELENIN—interesting name ELEven NINe 11 9. Comet Elenin was discovered by Leonid Elenin, whose name means, Lion"! And is in Leo (the lion) at Tabernacles, and could create a meteor shower just before the annual Leonid ("lion") meteor shower. Clearly, God is saying that this comet symbolizes the coming of the Lion of Judah! But this is just another token sign -- keep that in mind! It does not mean that Jesus will return at this time!!! Bible and Egypt President Removed

    Photo source: พลังจิต เว็บ พระพุทธศาสนา ธรรมะ พระไตรปิฎก ลึกลับ อภิญญา วิทยาศาสตร์ทางจิต Buddhism Buddhist

    So that is the theory and extrapolation of the data. If the comet theory is correct then the all the dates above would bear watching with the 9/26/2011 to 4/21/2012 dates being the most threatening. What might we expect if the theory about the comet is true? Earthquakes, pole shifts, tsunamis, disappearing and rising lands, sea level rise, long winters/summers, super storms, crop failures, massive flooding, fires, the appearance of two suns, communication disruptions, infrastructure collapse, strange atmospheric phenomena, solar flares and EMPs. So in other words it would be devastating; unless of course the little green demon men arrived to save the planet.

    Also as I mentioned earlier the historical scientific records indicate that there have been pole shifts in the past. I believe one occurred when Jesus died on the cross—and life went on; for some of us it was the beginning of life. But life on earth in the past was much different than now. They lived without electricity, cars, modern buildings, plumbing, internet, etc. So if a severe pole shift occurred now it could destroy much of our modern infrastructure—which for many would be devastating.

    Are there any end times Bible prophecies regarding an event like this? We know that the world will go through very trying and troublous times leading up to the return of the Lord and the rapture and there will be signs in the heavens.

    And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26. Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Luke 21:25-27.

    Could this comet and its hypothetical effect on the sun and earth be what these verses are referring to? Note: I do not think that Elenin is the comet of the third trumpet judgment that will hit the earth in the future. It is too early for that; it takes place after the antichrist arises and Christians are raptured. I feel the third Trumpet judgment will either be another comet or a leftover piece of this one.

    Is this planet X or just some new ordinary comet? Is all this hype about a comet just fear mongering or is it a cover for actions of satan and his minions against humanity, or is there really a serious threat coming and they are trying to cover it up?

    Those are interesting questions to ponder. Are there any other indications that this may be a serious threat? Is it possible this is why we are hearing about all the government preps in buying large amounts of food, or insiders telling us to buy 6 months worth of food, or the governments preparing underground facilities, or the rumors of martial law and detention camps, or the military being prepped for civilian use, or the wealthy preparing survival arks, etc.? Is this why there are rumors about Facebook shutting down on March 15--so the date is obscured in search engines? I do not know the answers to those questions but it makes you wonder.

    I guess March 15, 2011 will tell us a lot; if we see an above 9 earthquake around that time, and a small pole shift then that may indicate that the theory is true. Another tell-tale sign will be if we start to see interactions between other planets and the comet and or sun. Let me mention that its orbit at this time has eccentricity above 1 which indicates a hyperbolic orbit inferring that it is not planet X. But if new calculations would show the eccentricity to be less than one, indicating an elliptical orbit it could be a Planet X candidate. Also keep an eye on the powers to be to see if they start making themselves scarce at crucial times.

    In conclusion I do not know if this comet will cause a pole shift and devastating Earth changes. However I do believe that it is not outside the realm of the possible. I also realize that all this hype may just be fear mongering or a cover for sinister actions against mankind.

    So what am I going to do about the whole matter? Pray, seek God, ask Him to lead guide and direct me and I am not worrying about it. I am also going to watch carefully for any developments along these lines especially around the March 15, 2011 date.

    Should you have preparations in case this threat is real? You should have preparations whether this is going to happen or not because there are many things looming on the horizon—namely seals 1-5. As time goes by and if we see more evidence that the theory about the comet is true then more drastic preparations may be warranted—like getting away from coastal regions, fault lines, and big cities.

    So what do you think of this whole matter; Is it #1 Fear mongering so when nothing happens and a real threat comes people will then dismiss it. #2 A cover for evil actions against humanity or #3 An “Earth changing” comet that they are trying to cover up?

    This information may be freely distributed or reproduced with hyperlink to this page. This article has been posted at The End Times Forecaster blog, and also in pdf format for download and distribution at The Coming Epiphany articles page, and at Scribd. I have also emailed this info to various prominent individuals and have added it to my “5 Smooth Stones” packet.

    The story continues PART 2 and PART 3

    Are you ready for the end times? Download The Coming Epiphany today for FREE at thecomingepiphany.com
  3. 3y3

    3y3 สมาชิก

    6 มีนาคม 2011
  4. rehacked

    rehacked เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    21 มกราคม 2010
    กรุงเทพฝนตกครับ ตอนนี้หยุดไปแล้ว ออกไปดูท้องฟ้า ฟ้าเปิดปกติ
    กล้องดิจิตอลถ่ายกลางคืนไม่ได้เรื่องเลย ถ่ายยังไงก็มืดไปหมด
  5. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005

    The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Event Timeline, 2011

    A Brown Dwarf with 2.5 larger mass than Jupiter and multiple orbiting moons is right now between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars on an inbound trajectory from south of the ecliptic plane from the Leo Constellation heading for a tight turn around the sun on Mercury’s orbit line.

    [​IMG] Nibiru? The mystery Brown Dwarf

    Video – ‘mariobaluba’

    <EMBED src=http://www.youtube.com/v/7EB407HD7BQ?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1 width=614 height=376 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" wmode="opaque">

    March 4th, 2011 marks the day that the brown dwarf (info) breaks through the ecliptic plane into the northern

    hemisphere to begin influencing the earth into convulsions and severe spasms. Earthquake and volcanic activity will escalate from this time forward and increase like birthpangs where the earth groans and the oceans slosh tidal waves too and fro.

    March 15, 2011 is the first of three conjunctions where the earth is caught in the gravitational gradient lines-or the trough-that binds the sun and brown dwarf together. The sun will be pulling one way and the brown dwarf the other way and the predicted pole shift event will take place. The interesting thing about this particular day is that Saturn, the brown dwarf, the Earth and the Sun and Mars and Jupiter and Uranus are all in alignment. The astronomy people and the media should be talking about this alignment, because rarely do seven planetary and solar bodies line up in a straight line like we see on March 15, 2011.

    This gravity trough is going to be the mother of all where the planets are lined up for a game of Tug of War. The earth will be susceptible to the brown dwarf’s magnetism and flip over to match the giant’s polarity like a smaller magnet flips in space for a larger one . This is the reason why so many people are giving out warnings concerning the conjunction and pole shift on March 15, 2011. The magnetic poles are not shifting on their own at some near future time. They are being influenced and shifted gradually by the approach of Nibiru/Planet X. The Govt knows (FEMA preparing = US Govt Bunker Map) all of this and keeps people in the dark, because there is only so many spaces in their underground bunkers. The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit on June 30, 2011. Keep your eye on the earth and sun distances as we continue.


    [​IMG] Elenin's orbit around the sun

    August 3, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the brown dwarf perigee position, while the brown dwarf is crossing the earth orbit location. About two weeks pass and on August 18 the brown dwarf crosses the Venus orbit some 67 million miles form the sun. Then 24 days pass to the magical moment when the brown dwarf reaches the nearest point to the sun at 44.73 million miles. This right here is the reason that theRothschild/Rockefeller Banksters (What Really Happened) and the Globalist New World Order Elites used Bush and company to plan and carry out the 9/11 inside job attacks on 9/11/2001 exactly ten years to the day. The banksters and their bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians and lying media moguls are planning to hide themselves in underground bunkers all around the world and let the peasants fend for themselves.

    September 25, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the second conjunction with the sun, brown dwarf, Mercury, Saturn, the Sun and Uranus in line for another Tug of War. The sun, brown dwarf, Mercury and Saturn are pulling the earth towards the sun in an event that will bring the earth nearer to the sun than at any time in the last 3600 years. There are 14 days between the brown dwarf reaching perigee position and this conjunction with the earth and sun being equidistant to the dwarf on the 7th day. Look down in the lower left hand corner of the Sept. 25 diagram to see the brown dwarf is now nearer the earth than the sun at only 38 million miles.


    October 2, 2011 is the day that the brown dwarf crosses Venus’ orbit again to begin trekking in the direction of earth. Our planet is still being pulled towards the sun, but by this time we are also being pulled forward into the massive gravity well. Two weeks go by and the brown dwarf crossed the earth orbit line to pass directly in front of our planet at just 22.3 million miles away, which is the nearest point in our encounter.

    The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit line on November 14, 2011 on way to the third conjunction on November 22 where the earth passes directly between the two once again like on March 15.



    Feb 11 Nibiru between Jupiter and Mars orbits. 2.66 AU from Earth.

    March 4 Nibiru breaks through solar ecliptic plane to enter northern hemisphere. 2.26 AU from Earth.

    March 15 Saturn, Nibiru, Earth, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are in alignment creating gravity trough
    and pole shift event. Suspect Major Earthquakes (San Andreas + New Madrid, etc) Worst case scenario THE KILLSHOT? First Conjunction. 2.09 AU from Earth.

    June 30 Nibiru crosses Mars orbit. 1.77 AU from Earth.

    Aug 3 Nibiru crosses Earth orbit and Earth reaches Nibiru perigee position. 1.48 AU from Earth.

    Aug 18 Nibiru crosses Venus orbit. 1.24 AU from Earth.

    Sept 11 Nibiru reaches perigee position at Mercury orbit. 0.70 AU from Earth.

    Sept 25 Nibiru equidistant from Sun and Earth. Yellowstone, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Pele and Mt. Etna possibly erupting? THE KILLSHOT? Second Conjunction. 0.40 AU from Earth.

    Oct 2 Nibiru at Venus orbit. The Elite going into hiding, whilst the populace scrambles in panic? 0.316 AU from Earth.

    Oct 17 Nibiru at Earth orbit and nearest position. Poleshift imminent? 0.24 AU from Earth @ 22.3 million miles.

    Oct 28. End of the Mayan astrological calendar - The Age of Aquarius begins.

    Nov04 Earth entering Nibiru’s/ELEnin’s tail ( Fire and Brimstone ). 0.33 AU from Earth.

    Nov 14 Nibiru crosses Mars orbit. 0.47 AU from Earth.

    Nov 22 Nibiru, Earth and Sun alignment for third and final conjunction. 0.57 AU from Earth.

    Nibiru will finally be farther from the Earth than the Sun on March 1, 2012 marking 165 days from Sept. 18, 2011 that Nibiru was nearer our planet than the Sun. Large percentage of mankind wiped out? Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

    Video – ’2010TheCountdown’

    <EMBED src=http://www.youtube.com/v/XLu78y5qpjE?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1 width=614 height=376 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" wmode="opaque">
    Video – ‘bluebeard2011′

    <EMBED src=http://www.youtube.com/v/XStBhbiPIzU?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1 width=614 height=376 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" wmode="opaque">

    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 20 มีนาคม 2011
  6. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    Comet Elenin


    Tail length of comet Elenin exceeds 900 000 km

    Many of the readers of this blog have already seen the latest images of comet C/2010 X1. On them, the tail of the comet extends all of 1 minute of arc. Is the comet’s tail actually small or is it simply an optical illusion? For my calculations I used Gustavo Muler’s picture which he obtained March 7. Unfortunately before opposition of the comet, we were not able to get an image with any large telescopes – the camera on the two-meter Faulkes Telescope North (FTN), went off-line.

    As such, we’ll return to the image we have. On approach to opposition, when the comet, Earth, and Sun are lined up (that is, the C-S-E angle is close to 180°), the comet’s tail is practically hidden from view for the Earthly observer, as the tails of the comet are pointed away from the Sun. At the time the image was taken, we saw the tail at an angle of 2.75°! Taking the length of the projection of the tail as one minute of arc, and solving the triangle, we see the actual length of the tail has already exceeded 900,000 km! Although, in fact, the tail has to be still bigger, as Gustavo used a 30-cm telescope, knowing that if he had photographed the comet with a two-meter telescope, we would have seen fainter fragments of the comet’s tail.

    If, on March 7, we had been able to see the comet’s tail in profile, its length on the image would have been in excess of 10 arc minutes. Right now, the comet is approaching opposition, and we have a good chance of getting images of the comet’s coma. Maybe we can also do that on large telescopes.
  7. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    ALERT - INCOMING COMET Elenin !! Around March 15 resulting Polar shift!

    <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/DTsFtQKLDxE?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/DTsFtQKLDxE?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
  8. ฝันนิมิต

    ฝันนิมิต เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 มีนาคม 2009
    " อันนี้เล่ากันเล่นๆน่ะค่ะ "

    ครั้งแรกในการไปปฎิบัติธรรมที่วัด ในประเทศฟินแลนด์ นั่งสมาธิ แล้ว นอน หลับ ฝันเห็นพระท่านหนึ่ง ท่านมา บ่นๆว่าเราไม่ตั้งใจปฎิบัติ แล้วได้ชี้นิ้วไปที่หน้าต่าง เห็น เหมือนฟ้าผ่าลงเปี้ยงที่ข้างนอกวัด แล้วเป็นหลุมใหญ่มากๆ แล้ว ก็เห็นล่วงลงมาเป็น ลูกๆ หลายพื้นที่มาก คน วิ่งหนี ให้วุ่นเลย แล้วบอกเราว่า สถานที่ จะอยู่ได้ คือวัดเท่านั้น


    เล่าเล่นๆ เป็นเพียงฝันค่ะ แต่ฝันเมื่อต้นปีที่แล้ว
  9. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005

    ภาพไนบิรุใน Google Sky ก่อนถูกลบทิ้ง


    That is the blowup of the image taken before Google did this:

  10. rehacked

    rehacked เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    21 มกราคม 2010
    ตอนกลางวันลองเอากล้องไปถ่ายพระอาทิตย์ดูครับ จะเห็นมีจุดสว่างๆด้านบนพระอาิทิตย์อีกจุดนึง
  11. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005


    1. ดาวหางอิลินิน ถูกอ้างว่าเพิ่งถูกค้นพบเมื่อ 10 ธันวาคม 2553 ซึ่งเป็นไปได้ยากมากที่ดาวหางขนาด 3-4 กิโลเมตร (ข้อมูลจาก WiKi) ไม่ถูกค้นพบมาก่อน

    ต่างจากดาวหางชูเมกเกอร์-เลวี 9 ซึ่งมีขนาด 2 กิโลเมตร ค้นพบเมื่อ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2536 และพุ่งเข้าชนดาวพฤหัสบดีในปี พ.ศ. 2537

    2. มีการปกปิดขนาดของดาวหางอิลินิน ข้อมูลจาก WiKi บอกว่าขนาดของมัน 3-4 กิโลเมตร แต่อีกกระแสบอกว่า เส้นผ่าศูนย์กลางของมันใหญ่กว่าดวงจันทร์เสียอีก

    d=5284 km 0.0(BIGGER THAN OUR MOON who is only 3474 km,EARTH is 12,756.32 kilometers or 7,926.41 miles)!!!

    ปล. มวลของไนบิรุมากกว่าดาวพฤหัส 2.5 เท่า (แต่ขนาดเส้นผ่าศูนย์กลางอาจจะเล็กกว่า) นั่นแสดงว่า มีแรงดึงดูดมากแต่ขนาดเล็ก (เป็นดาวแคระสีน้ำตาล) บางกระแสบอกว่าใหญ่กว่าดาวพฤหัส 4 เท่า !!!

    3. ดาวหางอิลินิน มีคาบวงโคจรแบบ Long-period comets เช่นเดียวกับไนบิรุ
    4. ดาวหางอิลินิน โคจรเข้ามาในระบบสุริยะในแนวทะแยงเหนือ-ใต้ ไม่ใช่แนวระนาบเดียวกับโลก (และดาวเคระห์ทั้ง 9 ดวง) เช่นเดียวกับไนบิรุ (ซึ่งจะเห็นดาวหางดวงนี้ในซีกโลกใต้ก่อนซึกโลกอื่น เช่นเดียวกับไนบิรุ)
    5. ดาวหางอิลินินจะโคจรเข้ามาใกล้โลกมากจนรบกวนสนามแม่เหล็กโลก และแกนโลก เช่นเดียวกับไนบิรุ

    ดาวหางอิลินิน = ไนบิรุ .... ก็ต่อเมื่อ

    1. ดาวหางอิลินินมีดวงจันทร์บริวาร แสดงว่า ไม่ใช่ดาวหางทั่วๆไป เพราะไนบิรุ ก็มีบริวาร และบริวารของไนบิรุก็เคยชนกับโลกมาแล้ว
    2. ขนาดของดาวหางอิลินินไม่ใช่ 3-4 กิโลเมตร แต่ใหญ่กว่านั้น
    3. ตั้งแต่เดือน มีนาคม 2554 จะเกิดภัยธรรมชาติ ที่มีผลมาจากแกนโลกค่อยๆเอียงเข้า หาดาวหางอิลินิน/ไนบิรุ และจะรุนแรงที่สุดวันที่ 26 ตุลาคม 2554
    4. เกิด CME ขนาดรุนแรงตั้งแต่ มีนาคม 2554 และรุนแรงที่สุด 26 ตุลาคม 2554
    5. เกิดปรากฎการณ์..... พระอาทิตย์สองดวง
    6. รัฐบาลทั่วโลกออกมาปฏิเสธว่าไม่มีอะไรเกิดขึ้นมันเป็นแค่ดาวหาง โคจรผ่านมาแล้วก็ผ่านไป แต่ความเป็นจริงคือ รัฐบาลเองกลับสะสมอาหารและหลุมหลบภัยเอาไว้แล้ว
    7. มีการส่งจรวด/กระสวยเที่ยวบินพิเศษไปยัง ISS (สถานีอวกาศนานาชาติ)

    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 21 มีนาคม 2011
  12. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005

    The ghost towns of China: Amazing satellite images show cities meant to be home to millions lying deserted

    By Daily Mail Reporter
    Last updated at 10:53 AM on 18th December 2010

    These amazing satellite images show sprawling cities built in remote parts of China that have been left completely abandoned, sometimes years after their construction.

    Elaborate public buildings and open spaces are completely unused, with the exception of a few government vehicles near communist authority offices.
    Some estimates put the number of empty homes at as many as 64 million, with up to 20 new cities being built every year in the country's vast swathes of free land.
    The photographs have emerged as a Chinese government think tank warns that the country's real estate bubble is getting worse, with property prices in major cities overvalued by as much as 70 per cent.

    [​IMG] Ghost city: Kangbashi was meant to be the urban centre for wealthy coal-mining community Ordos and home to its one million workers, but its roads are eerily empty and the houses stand vacant

    [​IMG] The mostly empty city of Bayannao¿er, which boasts a beautiful town hall and World Bank-sponsored water reclamation building

    Of the 35 major cities surveyed, property prices in eleven including Beijing and Shanghai were between 30 and 50 per cent above their market value, the China Daily said, citing the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

    Prices in Fuzhou, capital of the southeastern province of Fujian, had the worst property bubble with average house prices more than 70 per cent higher than their market value, according to the survey conducted in September.

    The average price in the 35 cities surveyed was nearly 30 per cent above the market value, the report said.

    Property prices have remained stubbornly high despite the government adopting a slew of measures since April including hiking minimum downpayments to at least 30 per cent and ordering banks not to provide loans for third home purchases.

    Prices in 70 major cities were up 0.2 per cent in October from the previous month and 8.6 percent higher than a year ago, official data showed.

    The increase came after prices gained 0.5 per cent month on month in September, which was the first increase since May.

    [​IMG] Property to let: Zhengzhou New District is China's biggest ghost city, complete with entire blocks of totally empty accommodation

    [​IMG] Property bubble: Zhengzhou New District features vast public buildings that have never been used

    [​IMG] Half of Erenhot is empty. The other half is unfinished

    [​IMG] Now here's Kangbashi, a new city with capacity for 300,000 -- that houses 30,000

    Massive stimulus measures taken since 2008 to fend off the financial crisis injected huge amounts of liquidity in the market and have been blamed for fuelling real estate prices.

    'The government target is not clear and policy is incoherent,' CASS senior research Ni Pengfei was quoted saying.

    According to research carried out by Time magazine, fixed-asset investment in the Asian country accounted for more than 90 per cent of its overall growth - with residential and commercial real estate investment making up nearly a quarter of that.

    Regional governments across China have been building massive real estate projects, including Kangbashi in Inner Mongolia and Zhengzhou New District, which have remained empty, because of the high prices and interest in investment.
    Kangbashi, which was built in just five years, was meant to be the urban centre for Ordos City - a wealthy coal-mining hub home to 1.5million people.
    It was filled with office towers, administrative centres, museums, theatres and sports facilities as well as thousands of homes, but remains virtually deserted.

    [​IMG] The ghost city of Dantu has been mostly empty for over a decade

    [​IMG] The orange area to the north-east of the Xinyang has yet to be occupied

    [​IMG] No cars in the city except for approximately 100 clustered around the government headquarters

    [​IMG] Zhengzhou New District residential towers: Soaring property prices in China and high levels of investment has fuelled the construction of up several new cities. Experts fear a subsequent property crash could damage the global economy

    Prices have continued to soar, investors have increasingly turned to property speculation fuelling the continued bubble.

    The onset of the 2008 global recession was the bursting of the real estate bubble in the U.S. and experts fear a similar situation in China could prove catastrophic for still struggling economies and banking systems.

    Beijing has introduced measures to cool 'ridiculous' property prices, but the risks of a crash mean the campaign is unlikely to ease up in the next year.
    Public discontent has been fuelled by high prices in China's cities and the measures, introduced in April, have made it more difficult for speculators and developers to hoard land and chase up prices as lending has been restricted.
    Wang Shi, chairman of China Vanke - the country's largest property developer - said: 'Tightening measures will not loosen next year.

    'If we can control the pace of property price gains within a reasonable range, it's already an achievement.'

    [​IMG] In most neighbourhoods of Dantu, there are no cars, no signs of life

    [​IMG] A giant empty hotel sits in the city of Erenhot

    [​IMG] This city was built in the middle of a desert: Erenhot, Xilin Gol, Inner Mongolia

    Property sales for Vanke already exceeded $15billion so far this year, but Mr Shi has insisted China will not end up in a worse place than Dubai - where a property price bubble imploded during the global financial crisis.

    He said: 'It could be really, really bad without the government stepping in.

    'If the bubble bursts, Japan's past will be China's present.'

    But short-seller Jim Chanos has issued a more dire warning, and said he expected China's economy to implode in a real estate bust.

    He said the country was 'on an economic treadmill to hell' and the country's bubble was 'Dubai times 1,000'.
    In the 1980s, Tokyo saw a massive rise in property prices and a subsequent crash. The Hong Kong property market experienced a similar phenomenon in the 1990s.

    [​IMG] This $19 billion development is packed with blocks of empty houses

    [​IMG] This giant new development doesn't even have a name yet

    Read more: Ghost towns of China: Satellite images show cities lying completely deserted | Mail Online

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUHA8dynxJc&feature=player_detailpage"]YouTube - Nibiru 2011: China's Future Cities[/ame]
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 21 มีนาคม 2011
  13. Soul Collector

    Soul Collector เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    8 มกราคม 2011
    ขอปรบมือดังๆให้คุณzzมากครับ แน่นในข้อมูลและเนื้อหามากมาย สุดยอดครับ มันมีจริงๆครับ ตาลุงเอนกิหรือเอสทีอินบีจีก็บอกว่า "Nibiru Is A Huge Planet/Planetary Space Vessel" ครับผม ไปไหนมาไหนได้ดั่งใจนึก ไม่ว่าอดีต,ปัจจุบัน หรือว่าอนาคต
  14. ยัย fame

    ยัย fame เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    5 มกราคม 2011
    ไม่เข้าใจ ทำไมนิบิรุไม่มาซะที เล่นตัวอยู่ได้ หรือว่าจะไม่มีจริง ถ้ามีจริงจะรอเวลาอะไรอยู่ เอาให้มันจบ ๆ ที่เดียวเลย มาที่ละนิดละหน่อยแบบนี้มันทำร้ายจิตใจคนที่รอมันอยู่
  15. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006


  16. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006


  17. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006

    Comet Elenin

    March 18, 2011
    By Jamie
    Comet C/2010 X1 Elenin, Discovery Chart, 2011 Dates, Nibiru, Planet X, Astrology.


    Elenin is a Great Comet, meaning that unlike the average one comet per year which is barely visible, Elenin will be particularly bright. It will be visible in October 2011. The tail of this comet is nearly 1 million km long and it takes nearly 12 thousand years to orbit the Sun. It is expected that it’s trajectory will be unstable, being altered by the gravity of the inner planets [1]. This is because it will pass between Earth and the Sun. This highly elliptical and very long orbit is also why many are calling Elenin Planet X or Nibiru, the Planet Crosser.

    The last time Elenin visited us was about 9800 BC, the beginning of the Neolithic Age. This was when we started farming, cultivating crops and domesticating animals. It was an evolutionary leap away from nomadic hunting and gathering, we began living together in small villages and built mud-brick, one-room round houses. We were still using stone tools and had not yet learned how to make pottery. This was also when we first built temples for worship. Global sea levels were rising dramatically following the end of the last ice age.

    Throughout the history of astrology, the appearance of comets was a sign of upheaval for humanity, effecting agriculture and the weather. Comets were also seen as heralding the rise to power of an “agent”, a miltary or religious leader, or a reformer. “When the place of perihelion is transited by Mars or the Sun, effects begin in earnest, the decree is implemented and arrangements change radically” [2].

    The perihelion is the the point when the comet is nearest the Sun, so I’ll look at that and some other key dates during our close encounter with Elenin. First though, I’ll look at the discovery chart for clues to the nature of this comet.

    Comet C/2010 X1 Elenin was discovered by Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin on December 10, 2010 at the ISON-NM observatory near Mayhill in New Mexico, U.S.A. [3]. In the discovery chart below, the comet is at 01°24 Libra. So Elanin is square Mars by less than half a degree, we won’t find that interpretation in a text book, so I’ll guess it means this comet will give us an uncomfortable adrenalin rush.

    Mars is conjunct a star cluster in the arrow head of Sagittarius. This cluster is called Spiculum, Latin for spear. The Spiculum was used by Roman infantrymen as their main throwing javelin from 250 AD. Elenin square Mars in the tip of the spear, that sounds dangerous.
    Marina found that Sun square Lilithseems to create incredibly strong-willed, feisty individuals who take it upon themselves to become spokespeople for the disadvantaged or for gritty, dark issues that are disturbing for the public in some way.”

    Mercury conjunct Pluto reinforces the darker side of the message, a deep mystery to be solved, intense scrutiny and even a pathological compulsion to understand. We are drawn to it with Mercury and Pluto conjunct the North Node, and Mars in the stellium make this all the more alluring.

    The rise to power of an “agent” could well be military with that stellium, but also a religious or spiritual messenger with the North Node on another fixed star in the Bow of the Archer called Polis, which “shows up in a horoscope with almost the regal qualities of mighty Regulus. Only this star, Polis will indicate more of the high office in spiritual life, Pope, Iman, Archbishop” [4]. Pluto in there does make any agent sound like a reformer, strong message Mars Mercury.

    I also picked up a similar theme with the Jupiter Saturn Opposition at the end of March, “we could see the emergence of a voice which unifies the popular need for freedoms and change, with a spiritual message that sounds appealing, but which may have dangerous consequences. Perhaps even a female voice with Venus, Ceres and Lilith in on the action.”
    Mercury and Pluto are on the June 2010 Lunar Eclipse degree, still in effect when Elenin was disovered.

    Marina wrote about this eclipse in Praying to Aliens (I’m not kidding). In the Elenin discovery chart, Mercury, Pluto, and the Lunar Eclipse are all on a fixed star in the Bow of Sagittarius called Kaus Australis, “Associated with the Goddess Istar (Ishtar, Inanna)” [5]. Inanna was the Sumerian goddess of sexual love, fertility, and warfare.

    This comet may well have the feminine goddess energy of Inanna, Venus is rising and sextile that stellium. The rising star is Syrma in the Virgin, relating to the “heavy personal responsibility which is implicit in the occult questing and acquisition of spiritual power..the ‘secret of life’ [reached though] a transcendental state of consciousness” [5]. There is definitely the dark goddess feel to this story, the rise of the matriarchy, the warrior priestess, Lilith Revolution.

    Now to some important dates. “The comet came to opposition at 178° from the Sun on March 14 and will come to opposition again on November 22 at 175° from the Sun.” [1] That first opposition was just a few days after the Japan Earthquake, so late November is worth keeping an eye on. In the chart for that earthquake, Elenin was 27°38′ Virgo, opposite Uranus and Lilith, and making a grand square with the Lunar Nodes.

    On September 10 2011 Elenin will make is perihelion, it’s closest appraoch to the Sun. “When the place of perihelion is transited by Mars or the Sun, effects begin in earnest, the decree is implemented and arrangements change radically” [2].

    The place of the perihelion is 14°25 Libra. The Sun was there on October 8 2010, Mars on August 22 2010. Saturn is also retrograding over this degree, the dates being November 29 2010, March 28 and August 24 2011. March 28 is also the date of the Jupiter Saturn opposition, a major turning point. At 14 Libra is the fixed star Algorab in the Crow. The April 3 New Moon is opposite this degree.

    On October 8, Elenin will make will make its closest apparent pass to another comet called 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdušáková.

    On October 16 2011, Elenin will make its closest pass to our planet in it’s 12000 year orbit. I have started work on a Comet Elenin Ephemeris but have not yet calculated the positions for October.

    A special thanks to Phoenix for pointing me in Elenin’s direction, and to Jan Bird for pointing me in the direction of those mind numbing ephemeris calculations.
    1. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2010_X1
    2. Unexpected Visitors: The Theory of the Influence of Comets, Jonathan Flanery, skyscript.co.uk/comet.html
    3. spaceobs.org/en/2010/12/13/c2010-x1-elenin-wj08b04/
    4. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, p.73-74, 93.
    5. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.36.
  18. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    เล่าสู่กันฟัง..... (ประเมินภัยพิบัติ)

    ประเมินการณ์ Nibiru / Planet X / Comet Elenin

    ดาวดวงนี้มีมวลมาก แรงดึงดูดมาก มีดวงจันทร์บริวาร หากเข้ามาจริงๆ จะก่อความเสียหายต่อโลกมาก ขนาดทำลายล้างอารยะธรรมได้ (ถ้าโดนจังๆ)

    อาจทำให้แกนโลกเอียงโดยฉับพลัน....หลังจากนั้นทุกอย่างจะพังหมด แต่เราสามารถรู้ล่วงหน้าได้ เพราะมันจะปรากฎให้เราเห็นด้วยตาเปล่า ก่อนที่อะไรๆจะสายไป

    ให้สังเกตุดาวหาง หรือจะเรียกชื่อ ดาวอะไรก็แล้วแต่ ที่มีดวงจันทร์บริวาร สว่างกว่าดาวทั่วไป และหากเข้ามาใกล้มาก จะเห็นได้ในตอนกลางวัน สะท้อนแสงดวงอาทิตย์จนเรียกได้ว่า...พระอาทิตย์ดวงที่สอง

    มันไม่ได้ชนโลกโดยตรง (แต่ดวงจันทร์ของมันไม่แน่....ส่วนตัวคิดว่าไม่ชนครับ) แต่มันโคจรเข้ามาใกล้โลกมากๆ....และจะเกิด

    1. จะกระตุ้นการระเบิดของดวงอาทิตย์ เกิด CME มากขึ้น

    2. เพราะ CME มากขึ้น ภูเขาไฟจะระเบิดมากขึ้นเรื่อยๆ

    3. สภาพอากาศในโลกจะเปลี่ยนแปลง ไม่แน่นอน พยากรณ์ไม่ได้ เพราะสนามแม่เหล็กโลกถูกรบกวนอย่างหนัก

    4. ระบบสื่อสารติดขัด ดาวเทียมใช้ไม่ได้ ไฟดับเป็นบริเวณกว้าง เครื่องบินตก เครื่องมืออิเลคทรอนิคส์ล้มเหลว คอมพิวเตอร์ล้มเหลว เกิดฟ้าผ่ารุนแรง พายุรุนแรง แผ่นดินไหวรุนรง ฝนกรด

    5. แกนโลกเอียง

    เมื่อทราบว่า อะไรจะเกิดขึ้นก็ต้องกำหนด วิธีการรับสถานะการณ์

    1. ต้องมีเป้าหมายในการอพยพ

    กทม. คิดว่าไม่รอด เพราะมีตึกสูงมาก ใกล้ทะเล...น้ำท่วมได้ หากน้ำท่วมแต่ระดับน้ำไม่ลดลง เสบียงหมด....จะเกิดการปล้นสะดมภ์แน่นอน (หากพวกคนเลวไม่ตายไปเสียก่อน)

    2. ต้องเดินทางแต่เนิ่นๆ

    เมื่อเห็นพระอาทิตย์ดวงที่สอง เป็นสัญญาณแล้วว่าดาวดวงนี้มีจริง ดูว่าคนทั่วโลกเขาทำอย่างไรกัน (อย่าดูคนไทยเพราะไม่ค่อยรู้เรื่องอะไรเลย) ดูเวปที่คำนวณแนวการเคลื่อนที่ของมันว่า จะเ้ขาใกล้โลกเมื่อใด วันนั้นคือ....วันหายนะ (แต่ทำไมเราต้องรอให้ถึงวันนั้น....ล่ะ)

    3. เสบียงอาหาร + พาหนะ + อุปกรณ์ยังชีพ (อย่างที่ทุกท่านอ่านกันมาแล้ว)

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  19. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">ข้อความดั้งเดิมโดยคุณ sug552 [​IMG]
    เมื่อเห็นพระอาทิตย์ดวงที่สอง เป็นสัญญาณแล้วว่าดาวดวงนี้มีจริง ดูว่าคนทั่วโลกเขาทำอย่างไรกัน (อย่าดูคนไทยเพราะไม่ค่อยรู้เรื่องอะไรเลย) ดูเวปที่คำนวณแนวการเคลื่อนที่ของมันว่า จะเ้ขาใกล้โลกเมื่อใด วันนั้นคือ....วันหายนะ (แต่ทำไมเราต้องรอให้ถึงวันนั้น....ล่ะ)

    พี่มีชื่อเวปมั้ยครับ ถ้ามีขอด้วยครับ

    Elenin's orbit around the sun



    Feb 11 Nibiru between Jupiter and Mars orbits. 2.66 AU from Earth.

    March 4 Nibiru breaks through solar ecliptic plane to enter northern hemisphere. 2.26 AU from Earth.

    March 15 Saturn, Nibiru, Earth, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are in alignment creating gravity trough
    and pole shift event. First Conjunction. 2.09 AU from Earth.

    June 30 Nibiru crosses Mars orbit. 1.77 AU from Earth.

    Aug 3 Nibiru crosses Earth orbit and Earth reaches Nibiru perigee position. 1.48 AU from Earth.

    Aug 18 Nibiru crosses Venus orbit. 1.24 AU from Earth.

    Sept 11 Nibiru reaches perigee position at Mercury orbit. .70 AU from Earth.

    Sept 25 Nibiru equidistant from Sun and Earth. Second Conjunction. .40 AU from Earth.

    Oct 2 Nibiru at Venus orbit. .316 AU from Earth.

    Oct 17 Nibiru at Earth orbit and nearest position. .24 AU from Earth @ 22.3 million miles.

    Nov 14 Nibiru crosses Mars orbit. .47 AU from Earth.

    Nov 22 Nibiru, Earth and Sun alignment for third and final conjunction. .57 AU from Earth.

    Nibiru will finally be farther from the Earth than the Sun on March 1, 2012 marking 165 days from Sept. 18, 2011 that Nibiru was nearer our planet than the Sun.



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  20. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    เวป NASA ที่คำนวณการเคลื่อนที่ Comet Elenin (ต้องการ JAVA)

    JPL Small-Body Database Browser

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